Actions reference

Here you can find the reference for the actions you can use with triggers in Kanzi Studio. To learn more about triggers, see Using triggers.

General actions
Page and Page Host actions
State manager actions
Scroll view actions
Animation actions
Prefab actions

General actions

You can add the general actions to triggers in Kanzi Studio to create interactions based on user input.

Name Description
Activate Theme Activate Theme action activates the theme you set in the action.
Execute Script Execute Script action executes the script you set in the action.
Set Property Set Property action sets the value of the property you set in the action.
Write Log Write Log action writes to the Log window.

Page and Page Host actions

You can use the page and page host actions to set the application to navigate to a specific Page node.

Name Description
Navigate to Page Navigate to Page action navigates to the Page you set in the action.
Navigate to Parent Navigate to Parent action navigates to the parent Page of the Page you set in the action.
Navigate to Next Navigate to Next action navigates to the next subpage under the Page Host node you set in the action.
Navigate to Previous Navigate to Previous action navigates to the previous subpage under the Page Host node you set in the action.

To learn more about using the Page and Page Host nodes, see:

State manager actions

You can use the state manager actions to set the application to enter or leave a specific state.

Name Description
Go to State Go to State action sets a state manager to the state you define in the action.
Next State Next State action sets a state manager to the next state in the state group you define in the action.
Previous State Previous State action sets a state manager to the previous state in the state group you define in the action.

To learn more about using state managers, see:

Scroll view actions

You can use the scroll view actions to set the application to scroll in a specific direction or position.

Name Description
Scroll Direction Scroll Direction action sets the scroll delta to one step and starts scrolling in the direction you define in the action.
Scroll Edge Scroll Edge action sets the scroll target to the edge of the Page and starts scrolling in the direction you define in the action.
Scroll Page Scroll Page action sets the scroll delta to one page and starts scrolling in the direction you define in the action.
Set Scroll Set Scroll action sets the scroll position of the scroll view you define in the action.
Set Scroll Target Set Scroll Target action sets the scrolling target of the scroll view.

To learn more about using the Scroll View nodes, see:

For an example of how to use the Scroll View nodes, see:

Animation actions

You can use the animation actions to play, pause, or stop an animation in the application.

Name Description
Pause Animation Playback Pause Animation Playback action pauses a running animation.
Resume Animation Playback Resume Animation Playback action resumes an animation.
Start Animation Playback Start Animation Playback action starts an animation.
Stop Animation Playback Stop Animation Playback action stops a running animation.

To learn more about animation actions, see Playing keyframe animations.

Prefab actions

You can use the prefab actions to load resources asynchronously from a prefab in your Kanzi project.

Name Description
Start Asynchronous Load Start Asynchronous Load action starts the asynchronous loading of resources from the prefab you set in the action.

To learn more about loading prefabs asynchronously, see Using prefabs.

See also

Using triggers

Triggers reference